

The Good Earth

I was born in Hohot, Inner Mongolia in 1976. Lying on the north border, Inner Mongolia is the largest grazing region of China. Han and Mongolian people live off this land. My affection for my hometown made me think of this land. I’ve been photographing Inner Mongolia during my travels since 2008. These photographs are of the people and their everyday life in this borderland region.
On the grand grassland, the traditional nomadic life style was influenced by the impact of modernization. Some herders do not live in the yurts anymore, instead, they have settled in towns. Some young people would rather dress themselves more fashionable ,only old mongolian people wear mongolian dress now.


Village in the evening,2009

KTV, 2009

Traditional Games, 2010

Mongolian women and a girl, 2010

Old School,2015

Dinosaur sculpture,2014

Tree and motobike, 2011

A Mongolian Man Leading a Horse,2011

Two boys, 2014

Calendar card, 2014

A girl on the pipeline,2008

Ovoo Worship Festival, 2011

Pink restaurant,2010



Horses and haystack, 2009

Mongolian statue,2008

A Child Outside a Traditional Mongolian Yurt,2013


Coal mine,2008





All Photos Copyright by Li Wei